Skilled Legal Help For Divorce
- Contested divorce
- Uncontested divorce
- Property division
- Child custody
- Visitation
- Child support
- Spousal support/spousal maintenance
I have been an attorney for more than 25 years, and in that time I have helped many clients resolve their issues, defend their rights, take care of their loved ones and protect their financial interests.
Navigating The Property Division Process
Generations ago, divorce was a difficult legal matter that could be resolved only by a judge after a trial. Over the years, New York law has loosened the process, and today almost all divorces are settled by the parties out of court. This has been a good development in most ways, but it does not mean that divorce is simple and easy.
Divorce is a difficult process. I help my clients navigate it while defending their rights and protecting their interests.
The most complicated legal process in most divorces is property division. The spouses must list all the assets, determine what is marital property and what is individual property, and then divide the marital property in a way that is considered fair under state law.
While some property is relatively easy to divide, assets such as retirement accounts can be quite difficult. In cases where marital property includes real estate or a small business, the parties must either sell the property and split the proceeds or have the property valued and then negotiate a way to divide its value between them.
I help men and women through property division, spousal support and other issues, defending their rights and protecting their finances, so that they will be in a better position in the next chapter of their lives.
Learn More
If you are going through divorce or another issue in family law, speak to an experienced lawyer. Call my office at 716-934-8130 or send me an email.